Monday, January 7, 2008

Wow it's been TOO long

2008 so far has been an eventful year which explains my lack of blogging (at least in my mind!)

Accomplishments of the year so far:

Pulling all of my arm muscles playing bowling on the Wii
Actually prior to that was actually FINDING a Wii - GO JASON!
Getting to pro level on the Wii - only to have my shiny ball taken from me when my game didn't improve - rat bastards
Remembering New Years - there are a few years that have passed that I can't quite recollect
Flying a kite - you think its easy? Well go get one and report back to me!
Successfully gaining that "mysterious Holiday weight"
Learning how to use a food processor - unfortunately I am looking forward to many mushy meals until I get the hang of it
Buying 2 pairs of pants for about $5 a piece and they're NOT from Goodwill!

More to come I am sure...

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