Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rob & Big - Meaty goes to Hollywood

Last night's episode almost had me peeing my pants...
The guys decide that Meaty needs an agent but after an unsuccessful attempt at being in movies and commercials they decide that he would be better in print advertising...

It all started with this:

Yes that is a pink wig on Meaty

While on a trip to the grocery store Rob finds a cereal named Best Buddies and it has a picture of 2 older women, 1 white and 1 black, and he decides that him and BB would be the perfect spokespeople. He even calls and leaves the
company a message -- I guess they never called back (I think Rob's agent needs to be doing more work for him - DO WORK). To make their case even more convincing they send Drama out to get them "lady clothes" and dress up for their own print campaign. This is where I lost it...

Ah the simplicity of guys in never fails in comedy.
And the final product - the gayest cereal ever...Special Buddies...

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