Monday, September 24, 2007

The Monday that just WONT Die

Die Monday Die!!
The day started so lovely...we slept in till 7:40 awoke to a nice, calm house even with Thor visiting (pictured below)
So happy was I, I even wore a sun yellow sweater (not pictured)
well sun yellow has turned to Malaria/piss Yellow
I single-handedly ruined my Monday morning and everyone around me seems to be going down in the same burning boat filled with malaria and piss

Everything from hours off paychecks, to missing homework (sorry Sissy your computer is posessed too), to squeaky shoes my Monday death is contagious so I think for the benefit of all I need to GO HOME

I give up

Instead of working out after work as I originally planned I will be going home and keeping a bottle of wine company...IN MY BELLY

But these guys make me happy...drooling aside...

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