Monday, September 10, 2007

Ding dong the Highlander's DEAD

Well not DEAD really
I finally sold my Highlander and it will be GONE today
I really did love my car but dammit I have never felt like less of a competent driver than when I was attempting to parallel park this beast of a car.

I mean for god-sakes I passsed my NJ drivers' test the FIRST time (which included parallel parking, might I add) and this is not an easy task as 2 of my 3 sisters can attest to...

I also made a new friend at work by "lightly" scraping her new car with my car. It was after that sweaty afternoon in the parking garage that I decided the White Beast MUST go.

So now I drive my newly redesigned Scion XB which is comparable to a sneaker but quite easy to woo hoo for the new sneaker car the Scion and here's hopes that I don't make any new "accident friends" at work.

Here she is in the snow...oooohhh pretty. Too bad it barely snows here but oh well it looks nice!

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