Monday, October 1, 2007

'Tis the Season

Typically I love the holidays and am even a bit jealous of those that are half Jewish and half Christian because I would LOVE to celebrate Chrismukkah but alas I am not...
So for those who choose to wallow in self-inflicted holiday pity (and I might just be one considering how this year is going so far) worry not...your holiday soundtrack is waiting!

Yule Be Miserable - "'Tis the season to be jolly? Hardly! The holiday season is really the time for dysfunctional families, useless knickknacks, and expanding waistlines. Why fool yourself with the run-of-the-mill music of the season and its sugar-coated themes of love and understanding? Add a dash of reality to your holiday proceedings while thumbing your nose at the putrid sentimentality with music that cries out "back off and leave me alone!"
I personally recommend 'Zat You, Santa Claus? by Louis Armstrong and Santa Claus Got Stuck in my Chimney by Ella Fitzgerald.


  1. Haha Fox Confessor... i knew i kept you as a friend for a reason.
    I found these lyrics and they pretty much sum up my holiday cheer.

    *Holly Jolly My Ass*

    "Have a holly jolly Christmas" my ass. The best time of the year?

    I don't don't know if I'll survive all of this bloody "cheer".

    "Have a holly jolly Christmas" songs like this fill me with fear.

    And if this season is the best it gets, just shoot me dead right here.

    "Have a holly jolly Christmas"....what is it to have a "holly" something? It sounds rather queer.

    "Have a holly jolly Christmas" I took out my Walmart gun, and drank another beer

    "Have a holly jolly Christmas", I went across the street, and shot my neighbor's plastic reindeer.

    "Have a holly jolly Christmas", plays as I sit here in my cell.

    The guard tells me to can it as I holler "Christmas time can go to hell!!!!"

  2. I'm already planning my cookies for this Christmas. Sarah, love your lyrics. MOM
