Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Spoon on SNL

I taped Saturday Night Live since I was poking and dipping my dinner at the Melting Pot in celebration of my 28th year on this planet when it started...woo hoo. But as I settled in for another boring Tuesday night of television (why oh why can't I like reality tv?) I remembered that not only did I tape SNL but my new favorite band, Spoon was performing!

I acutally made it through the whole show and my reward came in the form of DUM DUM white-haired and balding Chevy Chase reporting on the politics today --dare I say he might be a Democrat? Nice surprise visit they need more of them!!!

Now Chevy Chase is pretty hard to beat but I will say the live performance of Spoon was great!

No not THAT Spoon - this Spoon -->

They played from their new album Ga, Ga, Ga, Ga, Ga (it looks so cool displayed on my stereo - like gibberish)- The Underdog which features a great horn section and You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb which I am wincing to hear for the first time on the radio...please please don't let Keane and the morning show on 99.5 get their hands on Spoon, they will surely be the MTV death of them.
One side note: the German Spoon (pictured below performing Jazz Hands) are not nearly as good so don't be fooled by Ze German imitation.

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