Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Let the Couch-potato'ing begin!

Finally my week of salvation has arrived!!

Regular Fall programming has started...
so get out the Lazy Boys and your favorite furry slippers because winter hibernation is about to begin!

2 weeks ago started with CSI - shown here in a Hopper-esque rendition
(which I was not the biggest fan of until Jason)
So it turns out that if you are fighting with your network about your contract (Sara Sidle) you get stuck under a car over the summer break while they hash out the details of saving or killing you off...I LOVE primetime TV. So they came to an agreement I guess because TA DA DUM Grissom saved his LOVE Sara from the Miniature Killer...she spent the summer trapped under a car and by god she's good to go only 2 weeks later!

I thought that the episode that the "Ice Truck Killer" had proposed to Deb and tied her up was the last episode of the season - it wasn't! So as I tune into my most anticipated season preview to find out that I missed the REAL last episode, WHAT?!! And Comcast doesn't have last season on OnDemand so I will be adding that disc to my Netflix Queue. Damn. But anyhoo, the first episode was good and the season is getting better and better. Last week had me reaching for the Xanax I was so stressed that he might get caught!!

30 Rock
At a time that there isn't anything else to watch on Thursday nights there is 30 Rock!!
Check it out - Kenneth around Jerry Seinfeld was enough to make me want to pee my pants!

And ONE MORE THING: Thursday at 9pm is getting ridiculous with the network wars...I have CSI, Grey's Anatomy, The Office AND a new show on Discovery - Last Man Standing

Here's the description: In South Africa, the six men live in the traditional village of Nqekwane and take on the Zulus in the deadly sport of stick fighting. They share in initiation ceremonies and take magic potions to find the skill and courage to fight at a Zulu royal wedding.

Stick fighting, magic potions, guys in loin cloths?!! I can't get enough...and somehow I will miss it

My DVR can't handle this!! AHHHH!!!

More shows to come...I have to go home now...work=blogging

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