Monday, October 29, 2007


We went to a Halloween party this weekend at Chuck's house who was hilariously outfitted in an inflatable duck - no its not an ostrich as he would proclaim! (sorry Chuck) I decided as usual to not buy a costume (where is the creativity in that?) and was having a hard time deciding on who to be my first pick was Amy Winehouse - pretty easy, black beehive hairdo, tattoos, wife beater and skinny jeans. Or Margot Tenenbaum - very easy as it turns out. I had the long fur coat with collar, brown flat loafers and the striped apparel. All I needed was the blonde hair and thanks to a 50% off sale at CVS I spent a whopping $2.00 on a blonde wig and had Jason cut it into a bob - put in a red hair clip, some black eyeliner and BAM I was Margo "I'll have a butterscotch sundae" Tenenbaum. I forgot to take pictures so I might have to take more on Wednesday as I sit in front of my house handing out candy and explaining to MORE people who I am. Hasn't anyone heard of Wes Anderson?