Monday, November 9, 2009

Paranormal Activity

My husband works in a shady part of town and working in a shady part of town enables you to come by "bootleg" movies.  So we watched Paranormal Activity at home this past weekend and I wasn't very impressed.  I think this is the same thing that happened to me when I tried to watch the Blair Witch Project at home and thought to myself "I was really scared by this??"

The effect of watching a move in the theater is the entire culmination of many elements - the entire theater gets dark when the movie does, you feed off of the crowd's emotions and you're not pulled away from the movie by text messages or a barking dog.  It forces you to get involved in the movie in a way you would never be able to from your couch.  So this is what I think we really missed out on...the visceral experience. 

Needless to say I wasn't freaked out by this movie and found the commercials were pretty misleading as to how scared people were.  Ok so the movie was shot in a "home documentary" style, but the door moved in the middle of the night, I just don't believe movies anymore.  If this was something on the Discovery Channel I wouldn't believe it either.  Sorry to say I didn't even jump once.  The movie did end abruptly and a lot like Blair Witch by not resolving anything so I guess that's the freaky part? 

My suggestion, don't waste your money, wait for the rental.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't jump once either. The nausea inducing camera work made me look forward to the tripod shots in the bedroom.

    However, I saw it with 3 13 year old boys who thought it was The Greatest Movie Ever Made.

    It's all in your perspective.
