Sunday, November 1, 2009


Being a netflix addict I do watch a ridiculous amount of movies. We are on the 3 at a time unlimited account setting, which some people would say is just too much. But being as it is - there are still times that we don't have any movies in the house or anything that we really want to watch. Case in point - The Exorcist, the original. This movie sat on our entertainment center for days before we actually were "in the mood" to watch it.
I've never seen it before so I had no idea what to expect, Jason had seen it but it was years ago. I knew that it was set in Georgetown and was pretty creepy but that's the end of my expectations. We started it on a Friday night and in my house, Friday nights are pretty lame. We are both so exhausted from the workweek that we rarely stay up later than 11 PM. And this night wasn't very different. We started the movie late and I ended up falling asleep half-way through.
We finished it Saturday night and I was grossed out more than scared. And I didn't remember the set of stairs that Jason swore we stopped at near the gas station on our way home from Georgetown a few weeks obviously didn't mean that much to me. And if you haven't seen the movie yet you won't really know the meaning behind the large set of stairs, and the role they play in the movie.
So all in all, I think I missed the window of scariness for The Exorcist, I shoudl've watched it a long time ago when I was a small child for it to be really freaky. But my parents were good about not letting me watch inappropriate movies and I'm pretty sure The Exorcist would've made that list.

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