Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 2 - Damn I forgot the bamboo

My parents were visiting last weekend and wanted some of the bamboo that grows in our backyard. We all had a few beers so typically we forgot about it until they were already back in NJ. Now since bamboo doesn't mail quite well I had Jason dig some up and figured I would bring it with me and give it to Sissy to give to mom next time she sees her. I should have known this was NOT lucky bamboo when it broke the shovel that Jason was trying to dig it up with - first sign. Then while it was in the car we hit all the aforementioned traffic - I should have thrown it out the car. 3rd sign - I totally forgot to give it to Sissy and drove with it in the back of my car from here to her house and BACK without remembering. I was back at the hotel for about 20 minutes until I remembered. DAMMIT.
Also, I might mention this might be traffic inspiring bamboo, I was hoofing it along 276 to 76 to 202 until all I saw was break lights. Never a good sign at 6:30 PM. Mind you it had been POURING the entire way after I left the central Philly area and was just then letting up a bit. So I crawled along occasionally popping into the shoulder to see if I could be "that guy" and pass everyone on the right shoulder while pretending that I was planning on exiting.
As I am crawling I pass this sign:

Funny sense of humor huh? "Watch for stopped vehicles". This is another reason I love having a camera phone - sometimes its the little things that make you point and shoot.

I finally returned to the hotel and vowed to not get on 202 again only if my life depended on it. That road is as moody as a pregnant woman (you know who you are).

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