Monday, April 14, 2008

AC Slater Strikes Again

I'm really not keeping up with his career I promise you. But since this is the second posting I have reported on his career I thought I needed to point out that he jsut keeps popping up when I am watching TV.
So anyways....

Slater is now moving from his gig on Animal Planet (or he still has it but)...his agent must be in high-gear because he is going to be in a new show, Husband for Hire.
Here is the short description I found

A Latina woman must find a suitable Latino man or risk losing her inheritance. In desperation she hires a man from a group of immigrant laborers, but he turns out to be Caucasian. She must turn him into a convincing suitor while fending off her sister's machinations, her father's suspicions, and the man's girlfriend. Amidst it all, they start falling for each other.

And Mario is cast as what a stretch of the imagination for him.

And this is what they said about Mario for anyone who didn't watch Saved by the Bell
"the handsome curly-haired actor found himself in another bind, having to overcome the lack of credibility surrounding his long-running stint on the very popular kids sitcom "Saved By the Bell" (NBC). "

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