Wednesday, November 21, 2007

More Gurzo's Best Sellers...more like best reads but...

I am on a kick of reading books that have movies, TV shows, or plays based on them so next installment in my series was Gone, Baby, Gone by Dennis Lehane - the author of Mystic River which I did not read but watched and thoroughly enjoyed. Since I only knew about 2 of the Dexter books and read one on my flight to Anaheim and read the second one in about 2 days I needed another book to read on the Red Eye home. I made a very seldom visit to a chain bookstore (sorry Olsson's you just aren't in California) - I think it was a Borders which isn't QUITE as bad as Barnes and No-blood...

I was looking for the new Steven Colbert book but it looked a bit too heavy to lug around...can't they just go to paperback first? So instead I found Gone, Baby, Gone. Nice and small, easy to fit in my carry-on and in paperback! The book was a good read but good god there were so many characters with nicknames like Cheese, Punjab and Remy Martin (not really but you know) it was hard to keep track. The ending also was a bit confusing...who knew cops could be so cunning?? I haven't seen the movie yet and am curious how Bunjamin Affleck (not a typo he is BUNjamin to me) tackled this one...but it was a page-turning mystery.wooo....

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