Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why Maria is an Evil Woman

Letter from the landlord:

1. Turned off of gas $60/transfer $45. – Difference $15.--------------------- 15.00
2. Cover hole above refrigerator Laundry Room
and sanding basement and holes across the townhouse
(Pictures taken)------------------------------------------------------------------200.00
3. Pillow missing from table/stool taken and not returned --------------------15.00
Shelves freezer refrigerator in basement missing ---------------------------75.00

So she is charging ME for turning off the power so I could have it on at the new place
And $15 for a stool cover for a table that is MAYBE worth $20 total
and the BEST ONE - $75 for a shelf in a freezer in the basement that is from 1970
Real nice huh?
I HATE this woman and she is horribly mean and just wants to keep my entire security deposit which is really horrible and from what I've heard commonplace for most dragon-landlords.

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