Monday, September 22, 2008


I missed the Emmy's last night doing yard work until 8 PM and my cable shows were on so I didn't even know that they were on. However, I did get a lot of brush and rotted wood moved to 1 big giant pile in the yard. And the ECO in me was soo happy that underneath the rotted pile of wood was a bigger pile of gardening appropriate soil. It was full of nutrients from the wood and had lots of worms in it - gross to some but if I don't have to touch them I know they're good for gardening. So I filled the little cart with a big pile of dirt, 3 total piles actually and covered up the poor excuse of what I call concrete dirt that is already on our land with big glorious piles of brown, worm filled soil.

So moving on, True Blood and Entourage were on last night so I was distracted by them and was very tired so I went to bed at 10:30 but this morning I checked the Emmy winners and was delighted to see that a lot of my favorites were rewarded for being so.

Among them were 30 Rock, one of the best shows on TV in a LONG time, Ari Gold/Jeremy Piven from Entourage - he is one of the best things about that show and Stephen Colbert - lots of people hate him but good god that might be one of the reasons that I love him so much.

I just perused a few hundred pictures from the ceremonies last night and came across these few:

The first 2 are self-explanatory but I had to include this picture of Cheryl Hines. I loved her on Curb your Enthusiasm and even more in the movie Waitress but in this picture she looks absolutely plastic! Even so much that I titled the picture "plastic". She needs to relax and wear something more comfortable.

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