I must admit that I have become very interested, dare I say addicted to some shows that I think I am too old to be watching as my 29th birthday is looming in the near future.
It all started with The Hills. I did watch Laguna Beach the first season and as I enjoyed it I wasn't that girl that went to work to discuss every detail of what Kristen said to whatshisname and who is now dating whom blah blah. But while I was out recovering I discovered that MTV repeats old episodes of the Hills like crazy so I got a bit into it. Now it has become a regular on my DVR and I have watched each episode whilst expressing perfectly coinciding emotions. Like when LC and Adriana had their little talk a few episodes ago and they were crying I must admit dammit I started to tear too. Maybe it was the 4 glasses of white wine I had that might have contributed but when Stephanie went on a date with LC's ex, Doug I freaked!
I know I know I am usually much more picky when it comes to my entertainment but with writers strikes and the summer lull it's been hard to watch movies every night.
I also started watching the new 90210 and even though some of the actors really bother me, the blonde who flares her nostrils WAYYYY too much and the main girl who is always sweeping her hair back and making "cutesy" faces but they've already had cheating husbands, cheating boyfriends, lavish parties, the main boy character pulling a "Brandon Walsh" and getting a job at the new Peach Pit, drugs and some sex talk.
I missed 90210. When I watch it now I grimace from embarassment from what they wore and how bad of an actor Ian Ziering really is.
And the worst of all is Gossip Girl. I really like this show dammit and the characters names are easy to remember it is deliciously wrong. Stepmom's sleeping with their own step-sons and paying high school age boys to sleep with them and blackmailing to send their fathers into the arms of the FBI. The girls are evil and backstabbing and dress in some great fashions. I think this may be the show that I've been secretly waiting for.
Now that I think of it The Hills might be a bit more acceptable to 30-somethings but it is a fake reality show and at least GG is supposed to be scripted.
But some good shows debut this week including The Office and I can't wait to see if Jim will really propose to Pam and if Angela will break it off with Andy. It's tomorrow night - woo hoo!
Too bad I'll have to cut my Happy Hour short to get home in time...I know I am recording it but I don't think Jason will wait for me!
On Taking a Knee
Originally written November 27, 2011. I don’t know where to start, really.
If I start at the beginning, I start with everything we tried for, were
turned d...
12 years ago
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