So for anyone who doesn't know (and there's probably a lot of you) I had to get my gallbladder removed!! I had a lovely trip a few weeks ago to the ER for the WORST pain imaginable - they told me I had gastritis and NO as you may think it does NOT mean I am extra gassy...ha. They thought I just had overactive stomach acid...oh la dee da no I foiled medical science again (see my open-heart surgery scar)!!
Then a few weeks ago NIGHT before the Jonas Brothers concert actually I was woken out of a dead sleep with a sudden attack of what I thought was this gastritis again. It was 2 AM and the first thing I thought of were my nieces and OH MY GOD I can't miss the JONAS BROTHERS they will DIE. So I once again dragged myself out of bed and went to the ER. I got in pretty quickly as I have almost every time - the words "chest pain" and "heart surgery" are like a golden ticket in that place...I ended up finding out that I needed surgery and in fact had some lovely gallstones. Fun fun.
As I was getting my ultrasound I was told by the nurses I would need surgery. I asked them if they had teenage girls at home and thankfully one of them did so when I told them of my plans to check out, go see Jonas Brothers, then return for surgery - they understood.
So.....I got out of the hospital finally about 1PM - promptly went to Ho's Chinese Food for some replenishment (egg rolls and soup anyone?) and went about running around town, quelling Maddy's freakout because Kenzie got black marker on her skinny red jeans and filling my prescriptions...
We made it to the concert a LOT later than I wanted to but ended up having perfect timing. The VIP parking passes and seats were SO worth it as we got in and out in record time, had our own cabanna and great seats.
I will say I have NEVER heard louder screaming in 1 area than when the JB's got on stage. But I am the first to admit I had a great time and we danced and sang and the girls were the happiest I have ever seen them. I've never seen them scream so loud and freak so much as I did that night.
As soon as I got back in the car my pain flared up again but I was more focused on the pounding headache and my loss of hearing that I really didn't feel the pain. Thankfully my prescriptions were waiting for me at home (thank you Jason) and I had a nice, long night of sleep.
Long story short - I checked back in a day later and waited about 26 hours for surgery - you may be wondering how I knew it took that long - I didn't get ANYTHING to eat or drink except the mocking ice chips they fed me so I was counting every hour!
Surgery went well I made it through and didn't have large scars thankfully - since in my opinion 1 is just enough. I spent a day or so more in the hospital but had a lot of visitors and a bunch of really nice nurses - 1 in particular was from Nigeria and she was SOO nice.
I had a long "vacation" from work and overall I was out for 3 weeks! Today is my first day back and this morning was pretty busy but once I went home for lunch at 2 I got completely unmotivated and decided to blog a bit. I'm back!!