Friday, September 26, 2008

iPhone cupcakes

Not what you were thinking...

Mother of the Year

Cake Wrecks

I was emailed this blog by a co-worker today and OMG I almost peed myself laughing. Not only is there the sexual harassment cake but creepy baby cake, when brides have no budget or taste (and I've seen too many of those recently)...the list goes on and on. So go on treat yourself (oooh that could be a bad pun) and relish in these disasters!

I got engaged!!!

Oh yes my time has come finally. I am better than all of you non-engaged, non-married girls! Just kidding! But my days of being the girl who congratulates people but secretly hates them are gone!
Now the fun stuff begins, planning a wedding. Thankfully I have a co-worker who is a part time wedding planner, bless her! But it was a huge surprise and I had NO idea it was coming and the first thing I said was "really?"
It was amazingly romantic and sweet and unexpected and my ring is gorgeous and now I am happy girl!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I saw a girl this morning in a full-on winter coat with lining and everything. I understand it was a bit chilly this morning and it is OFFICIALLY Fall but its still 60 degrees out! I really don't understand people at all. And she looked pretty damn healthy so I'm sure it wasn't because she was that sick. And if you are then why are you walking in the alley behind Whole Foods??

Viva La Vida

I know Coldplay's newest album has been out for a few months but I kept forgetting to blog about it! This has become almost my favorite Coldplay album. I keep it in my car and listen to it over and over again. It has a great mix of faster songs, sing-along songs and some of their spacier sounding songs. My favorite is Parachutes which has more of the "spacey" songs and some of the best lyrics ever written.
But as of my favorite album of the summer it was Viva La Vida.

I will say the videos are WAYYYY out there and the first time I saw Violet Hill I was like WHAT THE F is that?? But it's a finger-tapping good album and if you haven't bought Coldplay yet I would recommend this one.

The things you find on craigslist

Sent to me by Sissy:


I don't understand - do you bring the soda in exchange to use the tub or to take it or even to clean it???
I'm tempted to call Ms. Tootsie but am afraid that it is a dirty phone-sex number.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why Maria is an Evil Woman

Letter from the landlord:

1. Turned off of gas $60/transfer $45. – Difference $15.--------------------- 15.00
2. Cover hole above refrigerator Laundry Room
and sanding basement and holes across the townhouse
(Pictures taken)------------------------------------------------------------------200.00
3. Pillow missing from table/stool taken and not returned --------------------15.00
Shelves freezer refrigerator in basement missing ---------------------------75.00

So she is charging ME for turning off the power so I could have it on at the new place
And $15 for a stool cover for a table that is MAYBE worth $20 total
and the BEST ONE - $75 for a shelf in a freezer in the basement that is from 1970
Real nice huh?
I HATE this woman and she is horribly mean and just wants to keep my entire security deposit which is really horrible and from what I've heard commonplace for most dragon-landlords.

These are a few of my embarassing things

I must admit that I have become very interested, dare I say addicted to some shows that I think I am too old to be watching as my 29th birthday is looming in the near future.
It all started with The Hills. I did watch Laguna Beach the first season and as I enjoyed it I wasn't that girl that went to work to discuss every detail of what Kristen said to whatshisname and who is now dating whom blah blah. But while I was out recovering I discovered that MTV repeats old episodes of the Hills like crazy so I got a bit into it. Now it has become a regular on my DVR and I have watched each episode whilst expressing perfectly coinciding emotions. Like when LC and Adriana had their little talk a few episodes ago and they were crying I must admit dammit I started to tear too. Maybe it was the 4 glasses of white wine I had that might have contributed but when Stephanie went on a date with LC's ex, Doug I freaked!
I know I know I am usually much more picky when it comes to my entertainment but with writers strikes and the summer lull it's been hard to watch movies every night.

I also started watching the new 90210 and even though some of the actors really bother me, the blonde who flares her nostrils WAYYYY too much and the main girl who is always sweeping her hair back and making "cutesy" faces but they've already had cheating husbands, cheating boyfriends, lavish parties, the main boy character pulling a "Brandon Walsh" and getting a job at the new Peach Pit, drugs and some sex talk.
I missed 90210. When I watch it now I grimace from embarassment from what they wore and how bad of an actor Ian Ziering really is.
And the worst of all is Gossip Girl. I really like this show dammit and the characters names are easy to remember it is deliciously wrong. Stepmom's sleeping with their own step-sons and paying high school age boys to sleep with them and blackmailing to send their fathers into the arms of the FBI. The girls are evil and backstabbing and dress in some great fashions. I think this may be the show that I've been secretly waiting for.
Now that I think of it The Hills might be a bit more acceptable to 30-somethings but it is a fake reality show and at least GG is supposed to be scripted.
But some good shows debut this week including The Office and I can't wait to see if Jim will really propose to Pam and if Angela will break it off with Andy. It's tomorrow night - woo hoo!
Too bad I'll have to cut my Happy Hour short to get home in time...I know I am recording it but I don't think Jason will wait for me!

Funny of the Day

Email from Dwight - the trust fund baby, McCain voting, SUV driving, Republican

Hey Went to Whole Foods to pick some bread, because its soo good... but funny when i left someone put a note on my car saying i was a racist becuase i had a McCain bumper sticker on my SUV then said i should be ashamed to be driving an SUV. - Whole Foods now is a place i refuse to go to now like Trader Joes...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Crapping Mondays

I am tired, it was still dark when I woke up this morning and it was 7 ish so that just means that it's going to get worse and harder for me to wake up early. Yes, 7 ish is early for some of us who cherish sleeping in as much as....hmmm what else means that much to me? My Ugg boots :)
Then I forgot my giant water cup at home - you know the one they give you in the hospital the giant ass pink cup with the handle, top and bendy straw? I LOVE that thing so now I'm stuck drinking water out of a Starbucks mug that I bought and some dumbass put in the dishwasher and the red paint is cracking off and I'm probably swallowing it and contracting the China milk disease from.
Also, it is SO cold in our office - and I just ate at my desk in hopes of leaving early and now I'm fighting the urge to fall asleep at my desk. I also squeezed not too much squeezed this morning into my size 4 pants but now post-lunch they are slowly cutting off my blood flow.
Hmm what else about today? Oh yeah I had a sliced Kiwi in a small tupperwear in my purse and it leaked all over my checkbook! Kiwi juice attacks!! Thankfully it's not very sticky so the situation was resolved with a few tissues. I wonder if it got my Shuffle? Hope not...
But the day is more than half over - that's a good thing!
Off to read Perez Hilton and make it LOOK like I'm working because I don't have the motivation to work right now. I did a LOT this morning.
One more thing - our copywriter quit 2 weeks ago when I was out for my surgery and now I'm stuck writing copy for our ads. I am NOT a copywriter and somehow it all doesn't suck but whereas I used to enjoy creating ads I now shudder at the mere thought of it and now we have about 6 ads due for different publications and I don't want to think about it!
Can't I just do all pick-ups?


I missed the Emmy's last night doing yard work until 8 PM and my cable shows were on so I didn't even know that they were on. However, I did get a lot of brush and rotted wood moved to 1 big giant pile in the yard. And the ECO in me was soo happy that underneath the rotted pile of wood was a bigger pile of gardening appropriate soil. It was full of nutrients from the wood and had lots of worms in it - gross to some but if I don't have to touch them I know they're good for gardening. So I filled the little cart with a big pile of dirt, 3 total piles actually and covered up the poor excuse of what I call concrete dirt that is already on our land with big glorious piles of brown, worm filled soil.

So moving on, True Blood and Entourage were on last night so I was distracted by them and was very tired so I went to bed at 10:30 but this morning I checked the Emmy winners and was delighted to see that a lot of my favorites were rewarded for being so.

Among them were 30 Rock, one of the best shows on TV in a LONG time, Ari Gold/Jeremy Piven from Entourage - he is one of the best things about that show and Stephen Colbert - lots of people hate him but good god that might be one of the reasons that I love him so much.

I just perused a few hundred pictures from the ceremonies last night and came across these few:

The first 2 are self-explanatory but I had to include this picture of Cheryl Hines. I loved her on Curb your Enthusiasm and even more in the movie Waitress but in this picture she looks absolutely plastic! Even so much that I titled the picture "plastic". She needs to relax and wear something more comfortable.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Funny search of the day

The day is winding down and since I did a LOT of work today I decided to continue on my quest for a black bedskirt/dust ruffle. I wasn't finding much of a selection searching black queen bedskirt - and when I googled black dust ruffle I came up with this:

Taxidermy Bear Mount "Standing Grizzly"

Reason being:
Product Information: Average Size: Grizzly Color varies from blond to black. ... be careful not to ruffle the hair and ruin the appearance of the mount. ....


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Bacon

My co-worker recently returned from a trip to Beijing to see the Olympics. As I have never been to either the Olympics nor China I actually looked at her 600+ photos and wanted to share some of the best ones...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Whew what a ride

So for anyone who doesn't know (and there's probably a lot of you) I had to get my gallbladder removed!! I had a lovely trip a few weeks ago to the ER for the WORST pain imaginable - they told me I had gastritis and NO as you may think it does NOT mean I am extra gassy...ha. They thought I just had overactive stomach acid...oh la dee da no I foiled medical science again (see my open-heart surgery scar)!!
Then a few weeks ago NIGHT before the Jonas Brothers concert actually I was woken out of a dead sleep with a sudden attack of what I thought was this gastritis again. It was 2 AM and the first thing I thought of were my nieces and OH MY GOD I can't miss the JONAS BROTHERS they will DIE. So I once again dragged myself out of bed and went to the ER. I got in pretty quickly as I have almost every time - the words "chest pain" and "heart surgery" are like a golden ticket in that place...I ended up finding out that I needed surgery and in fact had some lovely gallstones. Fun fun.
As I was getting my ultrasound I was told by the nurses I would need surgery. I asked them if they had teenage girls at home and thankfully one of them did so when I told them of my plans to check out, go see Jonas Brothers, then return for surgery - they understood.
So.....I got out of the hospital finally about 1PM - promptly went to Ho's Chinese Food for some replenishment (egg rolls and soup anyone?) and went about running around town, quelling Maddy's freakout because Kenzie got black marker on her skinny red jeans and filling my prescriptions...
We made it to the concert a LOT later than I wanted to but ended up having perfect timing. The VIP parking passes and seats were SO worth it as we got in and out in record time, had our own cabanna and great seats.
I will say I have NEVER heard louder screaming in 1 area than when the JB's got on stage. But I am the first to admit I had a great time and we danced and sang and the girls were the happiest I have ever seen them. I've never seen them scream so loud and freak so much as I did that night.
As soon as I got back in the car my pain flared up again but I was more focused on the pounding headache and my loss of hearing that I really didn't feel the pain. Thankfully my prescriptions were waiting for me at home (thank you Jason) and I had a nice, long night of sleep.

Long story short - I checked back in a day later and waited about 26 hours for surgery - you may be wondering how I knew it took that long - I didn't get ANYTHING to eat or drink except the mocking ice chips they fed me so I was counting every hour!
Surgery went well I made it through and didn't have large scars thankfully - since in my opinion 1 is just enough. I spent a day or so more in the hospital but had a lot of visitors and a bunch of really nice nurses - 1 in particular was from Nigeria and she was SOO nice.

I had a long "vacation" from work and overall I was out for 3 weeks! Today is my first day back and this morning was pretty busy but once I went home for lunch at 2 I got completely unmotivated and decided to blog a bit. I'm back!!