Thursday, August 7, 2008

J-J-J-Jonas Brothers

If you haven't heard of these guys you are seriously out of touch or just way too cool...
Being that I am the coolest Aunt ever I am taking my nieces to see the Jonas Brothers later this month while they are visiting for their now 3rd Annual Summer Vacation.
We have some killer seats and VIP tickets with our own entrance, food, tent, bathrooms (which is the part I am most thankful for!) on and on. Needless to say they are so excited to being going and Kenzie has been thanking me since April for this.
I think it will be filled with screeching teenage girls and I will probably have a headache for days but it's worth it. I am taking them to their first concert experience and all of their little friends are insanely jealous and I might have a little fun too.
I will give a detailed play-by-play after the concert.

Coffee I missed you

Only by doctors orders I quit drinking coffee and eating dairy for 1 week. The first day last Friday was HELL. I woke up with the most splitting mind slicing migraine that did not go away for one second until I went to bed that night. I had to leave work early because I could not look at a computer screen for 1 more minute.
I didn't think it was going to be so hard once I got over the initial shock of caffeine withdrawal but not eating dairy was more upsetting. Every food that I love has some form of dairy in it and others I just wasn't sure of. I even had to call my mom and ask random questions like "is egg salad considered dairy? Is the lactaid milk dairy? What about decaf tea, does that have caffeine?" I found out that decaf and caffeine free are very different things.
I did cheat a bit and had chocolate that first day in hopes that the caffeine would take some of my headache away - it really didn't. But last night I had a cheeseburger and good god it was splendid. This morning marked my 1 week and I did give a seconds' pause to consider if I should start drinking coffee again since I had successfully kicked my habit - but once I smelled that Dunkin Donuts brewing it was all over.
And today for lunch I had pizza....mmmmmmmm.....cheese.

Few of my favorite things...

I love the mugs from miam.miam and they are having a HUGE sale - as that I am saving for a house I am very tempted to buy a few but must be good...maybe. But I highly suggest getting a few they make wonderful holiday gifts and come in these really cool boxes you don't even have to wrap and it's like drinking out of art...

their website is if you can't read their ad - GO NOW!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Landlord = Dragon Lady

The closing on our first home is later this month. As we are in the middle of a 1-year lease we had to get out of it so we could move and not pay a mortgage and rent - no thanks.
So somehow our services were offered to list the townhouse and find new tenants...always a fun chore. The people that frequent Craigslist are the WORST people that I have ever interacted with. Mind you the ones that have come to see our place haven't been bad but the other ones - good god.
I have been asked a plethora of stupid ass questions and after millions of emails back and forth people all of a sudden decide they just don't want to come or as a lovely person did on Monday and just not show. Mind you it's not that big of a deal for most people but when you have 2 of the worlds highest shedding dogs its an ordeal to get the house clean on a nightly basis.
Also, since we went to New Orleans one or both of the dogs has the WORST gas and about 30 minutes before anyone comes over we have to put them outside to fumigate the house or it smells like eggs and egg farts...sooooo gross
So the job of listing and interviewing agent has been a pill and hopefully something I will never have to deal with again.
Or it could be like last night when I was a good 25 minutes into making dinner and just about to mash the potatoes and a group of 3 kids come walking up to the door. I was thinking it was some more campaigners since they have been coming around frequently and I answered the door with the always pleasant Jersey-style "yeah?"
I'm surprised they didn't go running for the least Deuce didn't try to attack them that probably would have set them off.
After getting over the initial shock of forgetting something (which I never do, I spend almost $50 every December on a very nice planner just for things like this) I let them into the house which was not up to my standard showing appearance.
So all in all I don't think that one went too well - damn me and my distrust of random people!
So I will keep waiting...

Oh here's a good one I just got - Unfortunately, I am looking for something that's a little more updated. I wish you luck in finding the right tenant, though!

To which I responded:
Just an FYI - I would suggest looking outside the Village area since all the townhouses were built in the 1940's and some are renovated like ours is but nothing is up-to-date as you are looking for.

I just love stupid ass people who don't research the area that they're looking in and expect new houses...durrrrr

A Cupcake on your iPhone? Mmmmm cupcake

You know when you're on google or gmail and they put links that correspond to whatever your last email was about or what you are searching for? The links usually go to some out of the way news article that you are just amazed about. So today I was thoroughly intrigued by "A Cupcake on your iPhone"

Here's the article stolen from

With hundreds of applications ranging from games to password-keepers to calorie counters, what's next for the iPhone?
One firm is betting on virtual cupcakes and Tamagotchi-like digital pets. Viximo, an 11-month-old Cambridge, Mass.-based start-up, has created four iPhone applications that revolve around digital goods--digitally produced images that people buy, exchange and display online.
When the applications debut in September or October, users will be able to exchange digital goods, such as a cupcake to celebrate a birthday or a teddy bear as a get-well gift. Senders will pay anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars for the goods.
Recipients will download the digital presents to their phones, possibly using links in text messages. "It's about connecting people and celebrating relationships…everything from flirting to gift-giving to playing," says Viximo Chief Executive Rob Frasca.
Such services are common on social networking sites like Facebook, where users send and store digital gifts on their online profiles. Lightspeed Venture Partners, a Silicon Valley venture capital firm, estimates that the business generates up to $15 million a year for Facebook. In fact, two Facebook applications, Birthday Calendar and Family Tree, currently use Viximo's designs.
But technical and billing complications have kept companies from promoting the practice to cellphone users. Apple's Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) App Store ecosystem, which uses iTunes to access customers' phones and bill them, takes care of those challenges.
As a result, Viximo is confident that consumers who have iPhones will pay up, citing the multi-million dollar market for ringtones, another kind of digital good. "Digital goods allow people to reach out in a new way on their phones," Frasca says. "Right now, they're limited to text messages and e-mail."
What's more, the iPhone, with its sophisticated touchscreen, crisp graphics and motion-sensing accelerometer, is the perfect showcase for digital goods, Frasca notes. Most digital goods resemble static computer icons. The iPhone, however, can allow users to shake a virtual 8-ball, "drink" a can of beer or launch a 15-second movie clip with a flick of their handsets.
The phone's geo-tracking function could also come into play. Retailers could identify iPhone owners that walk into certain stores and offer those consumers digital gifts. "The iPhone has a lot of horsepower…this is unparalleled stuff for digital goods," Frasca says.

It goes on and on with some shite about virtual pets or something so I cut it off after they stopped talking Cupcakes. But I am super excited for this new adventure in iPhoning.

Rock Band...kicks ass

Or kicks your ass - depending on how old you are
We recently added Rock Band to our ever expanding investment Nintendo Wii
I was totally jazzed to see kick ass songs from everyone from Hole, to the Rolling Stones, the Killers, The Ramones, Beastie Boys, Radiohead on and on.
So we set up shop and I started to play guitar since I was convinced I must be half good since I almost beat Guitar Hero (yes it was on the Easy setting but whatever). As I am trying to play I notice that this guitar is a bit different...the keys are a bit harder to push and I wasn't doing very well at all. Poo.
So I went on to the drums which I wasn't too bad at actually considering Jason isn't very musically inclined which somehow translates to a video game? So while he was singing I was jamming out...we had fun. But the thing that sucks is the further you get in the game the crappier the songs get.
But a few weeks ago I had my nieces stay with me for a weekend and Maddy, Kenzie and their friend, Maggie rocked the casbah!
I let them just go at it jumping in every once in awhile to sing a song that I knew and HAD to sing but for the most part we all just sat in wonderment while they beat song after song scoring 90% and up. I will say though I did get 100% on a song, I think it was Hole Celebrity Skin...too much fun.
We are in the process of packing to move and I made Jason keep the Wii and the Rock Band stuff out because the girls are coming later this month and I want to be amused for an entire night again watching them make it look too easy.
I think its old age that prevents me from being a Wii Rock Star...sigh.


Ebay is by far the easiest way of making money
Case in point - you can buy an iPod shuffle on the apple website for $40 plus free shipping. I just sold 1 we had just laying around the house on ebay today for $36 + $4.60 in shipping.
So my new slogan for Ebay is:

"Ebay, making money off the stupidity of others"