Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer TV

So now that all my "good" shows have come to an end - some leaving us hanging; Lost as usual, damn those bastards for always leaving me this way...The Office left us with Pam & Jim finding out they are pregnant, and 30 Rock just ended, it isn't the way of the comedy show to leave us hanging it just ends.

So now begins the summer Cable shows! Starting up July 12 with Season 6- Entourage with Vinnie working on a Martin Scorcese film. Even though my DVR recorded this past Sunday as a new episode which it wasn't. I can't get any information off their site about the first episode of Season 6. I'm sure somewhere on the internet is some sort of spoiler but I'm really not that dedicated. Last season I kept watching b/c there isn't much else to do at 10 PM on a Sunday but I didn't really want to watch poor Vinnie, I like when he spends his millions on Mazerati's and parties...duh, that's why we're all celebrity-obsessed.

Deadliest Catch has been on for a few weeks and Discovery doesn't really count as Cable with a

Capital C to me since I don't PAY for the channel itself.

Weeds will be starting Season 5 with their debut episode Wonderful Wonderful. Last season ended with Nancy about to be killed by Esteban (the really hot Governor or Mayor of Mexico) until she produces an ultrasound and tells him it's a boy. Damn she's good.

Here's the description from Showtime:

In episode 501, the fifth season premiere, Nancy returns to Ren Mar unsure of her fate after showing Esteban a sonogram of her baby; Haley has a hard time collecting ransom money for Celia; Andy, Doug and Silas discuss a new pot-growing plan.

And my new favorite show from last summer True Blood!!

There's even a countdown on the homepage


I had to put a picture so this is from last season since this season starts June 14.

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