Thursday, June 4, 2009


So my quest for a long time now has been to find a Hydrangea bush. Not only are they a flowering bush but they're just so pretty. I also found on the back of one of his books this great picture with Kurt Vonnegut outside his house sitting by the back door, surrounded by these giant Hydrangea bushes. I usually buy my plants at Lowe's or Home Depot (mostly Lowe's because I despise Home Depot and the morons that work there) but am always turned off on how much they cost. They are really expensive bushes!

When I was in New Jersey the other weekend visiting my parents we went to Lowe's - their Saturday morning ritual, if you're looking for my parents early Saturday - million to 1 they're at Lowe's scanning the sale rack. We ended up in the garden section, big surprise and I found a Hydrangea bush on sale for about $8. Yes, it was tiny but not miniscule so I bought it hoping to bring it to life, and so far so good.

But last weekend we were on our way back from meeting Father Baker at St. Aidan's and we were going to go to Lowe's and on the way there we went past Hybla Valley Nursery. Jason found this nursery when he was helping some friends move the other weekend and stopped in to get me a pretty flower. So he suggested that we stop and I found a HUGE Hydrangea for only $25. I had to have it. The price was too good to pass up. I did buy a few other things, which I can't remember for the life of me now - oh a clematis and some type of big leafy thing.

In case you have NO idea what a Hydrangea is here is one:

And a Clematis is:

It is a trailing bush that I am hoping will grow all over our lovely metal fence on one neighbor's side - mostly to cover the dead tree that is such an eyesore.

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