Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What the What??!!

WEBSTER, Mass. – Officials have agreed to correct spelling errors in road signs pointing to a central Massachusetts lake with a 45-letter name. Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg in Webster has one of the world's longest place names. It's been spelled many different ways over the years. Some locals have given up and simply call it Lake Webster.
But after researching historical spelling combinations, the Telegram & Gazette of Worcester said local Chamber of Commerce officials agreed that some signs were wrong. There was an "o" at letter 20 where a "u" should have been, and an "h" at letter 38 where an "n" should go.
There are many stories and legends about the origin of the Indian name. One popular myth — later debunked — holds that the name translates roughly to 'You fish on your side, I fish on my side, and nobody fish in the middle.'

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Garden

So I haven't seen any sprouts in the garden just quite yet but I have started "planting" my compost. In case you're just not that into green compost is all that good stuff from your kitchen trash that you ususally put through the disposal back into the earth - such as cucumber ends, salad pieces, shrimp tails (I might be the only one that composts those), egg shells - basically anything that you don't think needs to end up in a landfill.
But I did take some pictures of the little sprouts in other places and will post those soon.
More to come!

Best license plate ever

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First night of the Catch!

And I am hooked anew! The first episode wasn't as action-packed as I had hoped but it was still full of drama - thanks captain Keith who started thinking he had cancer, then had something on the underside of his boat cutting his crab pot strings, so he dons a diving suit and goes under his boat to investigate to only promptly hit his head so hard it made him bleed. This was all from one captain, my personal Drama Queen of the Wizard.
The Time Bandit, which we decided tonight to name our little John Boat had a great beginning of their season from the first couple of crab pots which were filled with almost 100 Alaskan King Crab keepers.
The bad news of the season so far is that Captain Phil of the Cornelia Marie hasn't fully recovered from his blood clot and he was told to not go fishing this season so he left his 2nd Mate in charge, Manny who wasn't very prepared for being captain.
The only boat on the show we didn't see much of was Captain Sig and the Northwestern. We did see them perform their yearly ritual of biting the head of a Herring Fish - ewwwwww
The captain pulled the short straw and was stuck biting the fish head off. Good luck, guys.

One of my favorite things

A few weeks ago we registered for wedding gifts at Williams-Sonoma and while we were there we had to shop. If you haven't been in this glorious cooking store from heaven you are really missing out. I just told my dad about this store this past weekend citing the fact that they cook the food they sell with the cookware they are also selling. This I think - is a great selling point for my father.
But I digress...I bought the most wonderful countertop spray Sweet Orange but it doesn't smell like oranges to me. Maybe since it's colored green it throws my nose off on purpose? My brain might be sending a stronger signal but I really can't pinpoint the exact scent of this spray but I highly recommend it. I first fell in love with Crate & Barre's Pear Basil counter spray but they discontinued it and instead kept some mango-scented spray instead, boo.
Definitely some parts of planning our wedding have been more fun than others and registering at Williams-Sonoma was one that took the cake. Mmmmmm....cake.

Deadliest Catch

Starting tonight Deadliest Catch on Discovery!!

Jason and I got really into this show 2 seasons ago and were eagerly anticipating the arrival of the new season and tonight our wish comes true!

The only bad news is it's on at the same time as American Idol and 90210 and we tape both of them. Anyone with a DVR knows you can only have 2 shows going at 1 time. You can tape 2 but have to watch 1 or none, or tape 1 and watch the other. All this damn technology and I can only tape 1 show at a time basically while watching TV??

But I have opted to watch 90210 on my laptop while I workout at home so I guess it's not that bad. And you better believe we'll be watching the Catch live instead of Idol, that show has so many damn commercials it's not real.

So more to come about the season of the Manliest Men on TV who catch the Tastiest of Tasty Foods-King Crabs!!!

The boats on Season 5 are:
Our favorite - Time Bandit!
Cornelia Marie
The Wizard - Captain Keith is such a tool bag and the biggest whiner. Seriously last season he freaked out and wouldn't leave port because he didn't have a stupid ass Cup of Noodles cup to spit his dip spit into. Toolbag.
The Lisa Marie -I guess this is a new boat but not the sister of the Cornelia Marie just similar names...
Trailblazer - I haven't heard of this boat either like the Lisa Marie so meeting the new crews will be interesting.


So instead of working through my lunchhour I decided to finally blog a bit-hooray!
A few weeks ago I started gardening finally after the LONGEST winter!
So I started with the seeds that I have from germinating my own plants last fall. Basically the plants that reseed themselves are easy to spot - their dried up husks have seeds inside them.
So I took my zinnia's some petunia's and margiolds and dried the seeds in paper bags over the winter.
We had our friends from Cutting Edge landscaping do up our yard with mulch and they did such a nice job. It's amazing what some cut up trees will do for your landscaping. So I went around all the trees in the front and back yard and planted seeds. Then the next nice weekend we hit up Lowe's and I bought pansy's and some other plants.
I also ordered over $300 worth of plants from Spring Hill Nurseries - a catalog that I recevied in the mail and that included some raspberry bushes, Crepe Myrtle trees, some flowers that they say love shade, some bushes and ornamental grasses. I've also added some other plants and bushes - too many to list.
But the weather like today's (rainy and crappy) is actually really good for my plants and it does make me happy that I don't have to water anything.
I will say that I am a bit upset about my rain barrel that I bought off Amazon. It won't fill up all the way unless you cut your gutter pipe to filter into the barrel and Jason was NOT having that. So we filled it with hose water and somehow it's supposed to create enough force for me to water like a real hose? I might be missing something but it's just not working that well and I am a bit disappointed.
But so far I have seen flowers coming off my plants but nothing is really popping up from the seeds yet but more to come.
I also started my vegetable garden and planted 4 rows of corn (might be too early for them yet), tomatoes, watermellon, lettuce and cucumbers. This is my first year with a REAL garden. Last year I gardened out of some brick planters in the backyard so I'm really excited to see how much I can get going.