Friday, July 11, 2008

Sally Struthers Strikes at the Local Mall

My dear friend, Christine was in the mall the other day and happened upon none other than the nearly forgotten Sally Struthers. In case you don't remember she used to be a skinny actress and later was spokesperson for the Christian Childrens Fund. Funny thing is she was gaining weight whilst in Africa while the kids behind her in the commericals had increasing swarms of flies around them...I personally think she was eating all the rice that was supposed to go to the kids.
But moving on, Christine was in Nordstrom the other day and ran into Ms. Struthers.

Here is part of the conversation:

Christine - She had a chicken purse named Pat
Me - WHAT??? A chicken purse?
Christine - Yeah mark said something about it and then she had it lay an egg!! Then she proceeded to tell us that her dog drives. She whipped out of the chicken her dogs drivers license.
Me - HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA. I am dying here.
Christine - there it was little bob struthers with a Cali license. She still lives in LA. A little black Scottie pictured on the license.

Further proof of this whole ridiculous interaction is below:

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