Thursday, July 24, 2008

Piglet the Puppy is still missing

So for anyone out there that doesn't know my sad but true may be able to help!
I got my first dog, Piglet for my birthday 2 years ago from Jason and I just fell in love.

Being that I couldn't go anywhere without my little guy I took him with us to New Jersey for Thanksgiving where we were spending the long weekend with my family.

Everything was great and I will never forget that entire evening of Piggie running around my Aunt Joan's house and playing with my little cousin, Adian and taking him out for a short walk in the rain. As we were leaving I got into a huge accident with a minivan. My car spun out of control, ran off the road and smashed into a tree head-on. After the airbags deployed and I came to I heard Jason yelling for Piglet. He had been sitting in Jason's lap with his harness and leash on and when Jason's head hit the window from the impact of the other car the window broke and Piglet either jumped out of fright or was thrown from the car.

We spent the next 3 days dredging through the swamps of the Jersey shore (Howell, NJ) knocking on doors, hanging flyers, putting them in every mailbox within a 3-mile radius of the accident intersection. I left food by where the accident had happened along with a sweatshirt of mine hoping he would come back if he smelled me.


Our friend, Brian who is a cop in PA brought his K-9 Dax and they scoured the area looking for my little guy, still nothing. Brian did say that it could be a good thing that they didn't find him because it could mean he was still alive.

I had local radio stations make announcements, I got an article written in the local paper offering a reward and came close a few times to finding him but it turned out to be a hoax from some people just wanting the reward money.

A girl did find a Pug wandering on the highway and through me and my Aunt Pat and an incredibly generous new friend, Judy who called me offering to help in any way after seeing the posters, we got the little guy a nice new home. But he wasn't Piglet.

It has now been almost 2 years since this happened. I have since then taken another Pug, Pugsley in and I love him dearly, probably a bit more than I should from the circumstances.

Piglet is still out there I am convinced. I heard a story from a shelter about a woman who found a dog in her backyard and gave it to a friend but the woman at the shelter didn't have names or numbers of either people. This might have been him.

I am going to keep looking - I received an email from a friend with a story of a girl who found her dog 5 years and hundreds of miles after losing him so my faith is renewed!

Here are some pictures of my little guy so keep an eye out - you never know how far he may have gotten!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Further proof why I am Master of the Universe

When we were in Chicago we decided to experience the Chicago Pizza phenomenon - if you haven't tried it before it's a twist on the original pie. They make their pizza over 2 inches thick and instead of the cheese on top it goes - baked crust, cheese, any meats you choose, uncooked sauce, and an additional layer of crust is baked on top.
It is enormous. I have pictures don't worry.

So we get to Giordano's which has the reputation of the best Chicago Pizza. Obviously everyone else in Chicago knew or wanted to know about this. Saturday night at oh 8:30 we pull up front of Giordano's to only be met by a swarming crowd of people inevitably watching their lives flitter away before their eyes for a piece of stuffed pizza.

I am appointed to go inside and scope out the wait. The hostess tells us that it's about 2 hours for a table to which my reply is "we were stupid for not making reservations" to which she tells me that they don't accept reservations.

As I am turning away ready to accept my fate as a non-stuffed Chicago pizza eater something takes over me..where it came from I cannot say even to this day as I am fondly remembering.

I turn to the hostess and say "How about if I give you $20 will that get us a table? It's really not beneath me to bribe you."

She takes 1 beat and says "Ok" and I reply "really? for $20?"

I whipped out my cash folded it up gangsta style and pass it to her. I shit you not we had a table 15 minutes later. We had barely gotten beers from the front bar and taken a few sips when they were calling our names. On our way to our table they even told me if we didn't like the booth we could get another one. $20 gets you WAYYY too far in Chicago.

The pizza was pretty damn good considering we ordered 2 for 6 people and only finished 1 pizza - barely. 1 piece is sufficient - and I am a good eater!

But one more thing - as we sat down our waiter informed us that the wait for pizza is an additional 45 minutes to 1 hour. Can you imagine the fury of waiting 2 hours for a table then an additional hour for your food? I am amazed more people don't do what I did.

So word to the wise - don't ever let bribing people be beneath you. It will get you further in life than being nice or making pizza places though I'm not too sure it will work in really nice places but maybe a $50 would!

Here are the pizzas:

Great minds think alike

I am going to New Orleans next week and am preparing my palatte for some exceptional food.
Whilst perusing local restaurants I was told to go to Cafe Du Monde for their beignets and iced coffee. I will definitely be taking that advice from the rave reviews I found online.

This review beat them all hands-down:
The three reasons I despise Dunkin' Doughnuts: 1. Rachael Ray - Die bitch, die. If I ever hear 'yumm-o" again? You're toast lady. 2. What's with the Baskin Robbins connection? Trying to get us fatter? Assholes! 3. I've been to Cafe Du Monde.

So simply said - Cafe Du Monde here I come!

Sally Struthers Strikes at the Local Mall

My dear friend, Christine was in the mall the other day and happened upon none other than the nearly forgotten Sally Struthers. In case you don't remember she used to be a skinny actress and later was spokesperson for the Christian Childrens Fund. Funny thing is she was gaining weight whilst in Africa while the kids behind her in the commericals had increasing swarms of flies around them...I personally think she was eating all the rice that was supposed to go to the kids.
But moving on, Christine was in Nordstrom the other day and ran into Ms. Struthers.

Here is part of the conversation:

Christine - She had a chicken purse named Pat
Me - WHAT??? A chicken purse?
Christine - Yeah mark said something about it and then she had it lay an egg!! Then she proceeded to tell us that her dog drives. She whipped out of the chicken her dogs drivers license.
Me - HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA. I am dying here.
Christine - there it was little bob struthers with a Cali license. She still lives in LA. A little black Scottie pictured on the license.

Further proof of this whole ridiculous interaction is below: