Monday, December 3, 2007

WTF is going on at DC101?

so I was listening to DC101 in the shower and heard a girl complaining about something happening 3 times...turns out that was just the beginning. They've been playing the Beastie Boys Fight for your Right since 8 PM. I don't know what is going on...can anyone tell me why they are playing the same song over and over? At least its the Beastie Boys.


  1. I've heard of stuff like this in the past. It is usually used to generate calls into the station. A friend of mine at the GWU radio station was a dj many years ago. He once played a Frank Zappa song, Catholic Girls, and guess what, they recieved their first call in months. A freshman in Thurston Hall called to complain. He loved the fact that someone called, so he played Catholic Girls again. A few more people called to complain, so he played the same song for the entire hour (or two). The next week, He had to apologize over the air by his station manager. He then when on to play Frank Zappa's, Jewish American Princess for the last show of his career.

    Either DC101 wants people to call to complain, or this is actually a pre-recorded show and there is no dj in the studio. It would be easy and cheap to do. I bet the advertisers will be pissed.

  2. 10:55 and still going strong. This is hilarious. It is definitely generating more positive feedback than negative because it is just too funny... Loving it, and I've been listening since 8:10. And it isn't prerecorded because they are taking calls about it

  3. It has been going on from *at least* 7-11:45 (now) and is one of the funniest things I've ever heard!

    I heard it a few times from 7-8, went to a movie, and it is still on! I love it!

  4. It's been going on since 7. He accidentally played it twice, got a call about it, and then decided to do it for his entire show. Sixty-nine times!

  5. it's off now as the dj signed off at midnight. he'll be back at 7 tomorrow so we'll see what happens then

  6. i had a feeling that it was that he accidently played it frequently and then just said f you guys when someone called and just played it over and over again. i would have done it too. funny stuff

  7. on Curtis' page on the DC101 page it says "IT'S NOT ME DOING IT
    If you keep hearing the same song tonight, it's not me. It says I'm on, but I am not. So don't send complaint or compliment mail my way. Direct it to the new guy." It also says "On Hiatus Until Further notice. Thank You for Listening for the Past 6 Months!" so i thought he was getting fired and decided to make tonight a big F-U to Clear Channel.

  8. I think you have an impaired sense of humor if you think that listening to the same song for 3 hours is "hilarious".

  9. sometimes it's done to draw a buzz during a format change. maybe they're changing from modern rock to smoov jazz (don't know which would be worse)

    between the screaming commercials, dumb djs and mediocre music i avoid terrestrial radio all together

  10. not the song you idiot, the calls that people made into him and his reactions. of course i didn't listen to the song the whole time...
