Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Birthday - hooray!

Just 2 days ago I celebrated the ending of my youth - my 29th birthday. I decided nothing would be worse than to spend the day at work trapped in a cubicle so I took the day off and Jason did too. Our original intention was to drive to Skyline and take the dogs and have a wonderous day. Those plans started turning sour when he mentioned something about waking up early. One of my favorite things to do is to sleep in and on the holiest of days why would I want to rise early? oh NO. So we scratched the plans of Skyline - and considering what gas prices are is taking a scenic drive really the smartest thing?
After sleeping in I woke up, got some coffee and sat on the couch with Pugsley and watched some TV - I gotta tell you Lifetime in the morning is so much better than any other time. I watched Frasier and some Will & Grace then decided to get moving.

We went to Ikea and did some shopping - 1 item I had to get was this lamp that I broke and was so sad about. While we were painting the bedroom I brilliantly left a glass lamp on the bed and when I was hoisting a nighttable over the bed - wonder of all wonders the leg of the table hit the lamp and all that was left were a million shards of glass. I'm still finding them.

Soooo moving on...had a glorious cinnamon bun from the Ikea kitchen and we went on our way. Somehow we spent like $400?? How does that happen?!
Rest of the day was spent searching for an Apple store and the Fair Oaks Mall - casual errands and such. The night ended with going out to dinner and the topper of the evening - we built the first fire in our new house in 1 of the 2 fireplaces. It was so cozy watching a scary movie with all the lights off and the fire crackling. This is one of the things that makes me appreciate living in the Suburbs - can anyone afford a place with 2 fireplaces in the city without making millions?

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