Monday, October 20, 2008

Why moving sucks...

Other than obvious reasons of all the packing, moving, unpacking, blase blah one of the worst things about moving is finding that new clutch Chinese Restaurant.
We used to order from Ho's and they would be there within 15 minutes with perfectly spicy General Tso's, yummy crab rangoons, egg rolls not just spring rolls and everything else on the menu that we tried was delicious.
But now that we moved we have to work our way through a couple disgusting, bland restaurants before we find the right one.
We did ask for some recommendations from Jason's family and whether or not they ate there or just don't really know what GOOD Chinese tastes like I don't know...
So we tried Oriental Cafe one night and I should have known from the fact that they didn't offer egg rolls that they were no good but I didn't listen to my instincts and instead listened to my grumbling belly. Damn belly.
And the other one I think was House of Dynasty and we ordered from there our enagement night and they SUCKED so bad. I got chicken that came with JUST chicken. Not a shred of broccoli or noodles, nothing.
So I will continue on my quest for the replacement for Ho's but I will shed a small tear whenever I drive past and know that I am no longer within their delivery route.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pentagon Memorial

Sissy and I were trying to get somewhere when she was here a few weeks ago - and we followed the GPS lady onto the "hov" not H pause O pause V pause but like a word "hov" lane. Only in DC do they have an HOV lane that doesn't let you exit whenever you want but instead takes you on a trip straight to the Pentagon. Even if you don't want to go there its either the Pentagon or you end up in the City. I found this out one of my first weeks' here but I hadn't been in the HOV lanes in so long I forgot and we listened to the evil GPS lady.
So moving we were coming around the exit I suggested that we go see the new memorial they had just dedicated to the victims of the Pentagon attack. It was a really emotional experience and I felt that I should share it since many people won't get a chance to see it. So here are just a few of my pictures...I felt strange taking them but at the same time it's a really pretty memorial and pictures felt appropriate. So take it for whatever you will...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oh and I forgot

I was out for lunch the other day with Lauren and Ashley and we were walking back to the car and I happened to look over at Olsson's and realized that it was CLOSED. So I walked up to the door not realizing that they were actually taping I really thought the 2 guys standing there looking mildly interested were just scouting not really working.
Here I am in all my Valley Girl I really sound like that??

More TV, please

I just checked when 30 Rock will finally be returning to TV and I have to wait for October 30!! WTF? They are WAY too late on the schedule, all the other shows have started back up. At least this explains why I can't find it on the guide. I have been scrolling through as far as it will let me go - which is about 1 week and finding NOTHING.
But tomorrow is the series premiere of Kath & Kim which looks hilarious. I will be queueing up the DVR for that one.
And yes, I am still watching The Hills, 90210 and Gossip Girl they are still guilty pleasures but I did find out I'm not alone. I know all your secrets....hahhahahhahahahhaha. Sorry it's still a bit early and no one is here AGAIN - why is my department empty? Guess I have to amuse myself.

And presents

I have been told that I am very hard to shop for something I don't understand at all...

But I have made sure to inform those around me what I would LIKE for birthdays, christmas, etc. so I never again receive a sports Jersey for a gift (he tried, it was Derek Jeter who he HATES and it's the thought that counts).

So I was half-surprised but very pleased when I opened this years gift - the new Ugg Cardy's!

I guess they were really hard to find and the color I originally wanted, grey was impossible. But I don't care the brown or Stout as they call it are adorable and I love them! I know I am going to hear comments from everyone about how ugly they think they are (yes, Sissy that would be you) but as past shoe purchases show, I don't care if I like them that's all that matters. Now I just need to figure out what work pants I can wear with these damn boots - I don't think they make skinny khakis that I can wear to work. So come on cold weather I'm ready with the appropriate footwear!

Birthday - hooray!

Just 2 days ago I celebrated the ending of my youth - my 29th birthday. I decided nothing would be worse than to spend the day at work trapped in a cubicle so I took the day off and Jason did too. Our original intention was to drive to Skyline and take the dogs and have a wonderous day. Those plans started turning sour when he mentioned something about waking up early. One of my favorite things to do is to sleep in and on the holiest of days why would I want to rise early? oh NO. So we scratched the plans of Skyline - and considering what gas prices are is taking a scenic drive really the smartest thing?
After sleeping in I woke up, got some coffee and sat on the couch with Pugsley and watched some TV - I gotta tell you Lifetime in the morning is so much better than any other time. I watched Frasier and some Will & Grace then decided to get moving.

We went to Ikea and did some shopping - 1 item I had to get was this lamp that I broke and was so sad about. While we were painting the bedroom I brilliantly left a glass lamp on the bed and when I was hoisting a nighttable over the bed - wonder of all wonders the leg of the table hit the lamp and all that was left were a million shards of glass. I'm still finding them.

Soooo moving on...had a glorious cinnamon bun from the Ikea kitchen and we went on our way. Somehow we spent like $400?? How does that happen?!
Rest of the day was spent searching for an Apple store and the Fair Oaks Mall - casual errands and such. The night ended with going out to dinner and the topper of the evening - we built the first fire in our new house in 1 of the 2 fireplaces. It was so cozy watching a scary movie with all the lights off and the fire crackling. This is one of the things that makes me appreciate living in the Suburbs - can anyone afford a place with 2 fireplaces in the city without making millions?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Black Keys?

I was watching the first episode of Private Practice this season and kept wondering what the music was that I was hearing...I turned up the sound only to be interrupted by a commercial - darnation!! So another scene came back on and there it was 10 AM Automatic by the Black Keys! I was way too happy to hear the noisest 2 guys in Rock and Roll!
After seeing them this past summer I really couldn't stop listening to them over and over and appreciate any show that features their skills.

John McCain already tapped that

I do follow politics and how could I not living where I live but I usually refrain from watching the debates out of embarrassment...
I am an Obama fan but when I saw Big Joe Biden invite a handicapped man to stand up I was thoroughly mortified and started to question my chose of VP.
But out of sheer curiosity I decided to watch the Vice Presidential debate and woo hoo what fun it was. Sarah Palin - you are a MORON.
From her "shout outs" to school kids and her "gooly gee, Say it 'aint so Joe" nonsense I really felt like telling her that someone had flattened her pickup truck tires and shot her bird dog. Her accent alone would be humiliation - how are our foreign allies to understand a hillbilly? I didn't know they sounded like that in Alaska - she sounded more like Fargo.
I think it's a crock and she is either very cunning and trying to cover it up or she really IS this stupid. My votes lies with the latter...
So go on Tina Fey keep on ridiculing the woman that is doing just as good of a job on her own.