Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Another affirmation of why I kick ass

Since my work is needlessly wasteful I took it upon myself to do this presentation in front of the entire (or most of the 300 people) company with a colleague that I guilted into helping me. It actually went swimmingly and I am ultra proud of myself.

Chucky T's

I bought a spanky new pair of brown Chuck Taylors over the weekend and am very happy with my purchase. I did get something on the laces within 2 hours of wearing them but alas is my messy life.
When I was in the store I had a really hard time grasping their sizing since its UK Men's sizes on all the boxes and I ended up with a size 4 shoe. I tried them on without any socks on since I was in flip flops and they fit perfectly. I totally forgot about the fact that I love comfy socks and within 2 weeks they will surely stink of foot and just be disgusting.
So I put on socks this morning and tied my shoes to find they are a bit too tight. Dammit.
I came to the sad conclusion that I must spend the summer in sockless shoes. And for some reason they seem to not like the office. My feet don't hurt at all when I'm outside walking to my car but once I step foot (hahahha foot, shoe, get it?) inside my toes start squishing and my heels hurt. If I can't break shoes in at work - where else am I supposed to do it?

P.S. The Chucky T's remind me of high school and Guinta's nasty ass pair that I begged her to get rid of for months and months. I think she finally did when they ceased to exist as shoes anymore and had turned into puddles of rubber.

Funny Forward of the Day

Courtesy of Chuck the Chuckster...

Too funny since my office definitely has a few Tinklers...